


Thursday 6th October 2016

Site Descartes (building formation), Room F008

09.30: Registration and coffee

09.50: Welcome address by Vanessa GUIGNERY (ENS de Lyon, IUF) and Christian GUTLEBEN (Nice — Sophia Antipolis)


Morning Session

Chair: Catherine PESSO-MIQUEL (Lumière University — Lyon 2)

10.00: Kerry-Jane WALLART (University of Paris 4 Sorbonne): “‘Saving Bodies’ – Theatricality in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River

10.35: Oriana PALUSCI (University of Naples “L’Orientale”, Italy): “‘Race Matters’: the Languages of Slavery in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River

11.10: Vanessa GUIGNERY (ENS de Lyon, IUF): “The Newton-Hamilton Dialogue in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River: Navigating between Appropriation and Creation”


11.45-13.30 : Lunch Break


Afternoon session

Chair: Kerry-Jane WALLART (University of Paris 4 Sorbonne)

13.30: Jee H. AN (Seoul National University, South Korea): “The Sounding(s) of Countermodernity in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River

14.05: Hubert MALFRAY (Lycée Claude-Fauriel Saint Etienne - IHRIM UMR 5317): “Une poétique de la précarité: économie(s) d’écriture dans Crossing the River de Caryl Phillips”

15.10: Catherine LANONE (University of Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle): Repetition and Reckoning in  Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River


15.45: Coffee Break

Chair: Vanessa GUIGNERY (ENS de Lyon, IUF)

16.15: Kathie BIRAT (University of Lorraine): “Embodied Voices: Literacy and Empathy in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River


16.50: A Conversation with Caryl PHILLIPS

(with Vanessa GUIGNERY, recorded at Yale University and the ENS de Lyon on 27 September 2016)

20.00: Dinner


Friday 7th October 2016

Site Buisson (building D6), Conference room 1

Morning Session

Chair: Catherine DELESALLE-NANCEY (University of Lyon 3)

9.30: Nicole TERRIEN (University of Rennes 1): “‘The answer is blowing in the wind’: Emotion and the Rewriting of History in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River

10.05: Christian GUTLEBEN (University of Nice — Sophia Antipolis): “Écriture noire, écriture blanche: esthétique du (mé)tissage dansCrossing the River de Caryl Phillips”

10.40: Coffee Break



Chair: Judith MISRAHI-BARAK (University Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3)

11.10: Catherine PESSO-MIQUEL (Lumière University — Lyon 2): “ “Dit et non dit : ruptures et reprises dans Crossing the River de Caryl Phillips”

11.45: İ. Murat ÖNER (International Burch University in Sarajevo): “Caryl Phillips and Rhizomorphous Gaze: A Geophilosophical Reading ofCrossing the River

12.20-14.00 : Lunch Break

Afternoon session

Chair: Christian GUTLEBEN (University of Nice — Sophia Antipolis)

14.00:Mélanie JOSEPH-VILAIN (University of Bourgogne):“‘For beyond this trading community lies family life’: filiation et écriture dansCrossing the River de Caryl Phillips”

14.35: Eleanor BYRNE (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK): “Queering the Black Atlantic in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet and Caryl Phillips’sCrossing the River.

15.10:Josiane RANGUIN (University of Paris XIII-Sorbonne): “The ‘High Anxiety’ of Belonging” in Caryl Phillips’s Crossing the River(1993) and Steve McQueen’s 12 Years a Slave (2013)”


16.00: End of the conference

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